It may be a dream afraid of waking up, or it may be a dream coming to realization in the next morning.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Forgiver and Forgiven

I am human just like you, and you, and you. And while it's no excuse to doing mistakes and all, it's still true that humans err. Being a human like you, you, and you, I have wronged some people and there's nothing I have wished bigger than them offering their forgiveness to me. But all my life apologizing, I have seen two kinds of people when it comes to conflict resolution.

1) The kind that feels superior and somehow victorious in the little "battle". This kind usually just feels that he or she just wins and is reinforced by the triumphant feelings, the person wouldn't just stop there yet, s/he has to create more drama by not accepting the apology, just to secretly want the person to blame to be on the knee and begging for mercy. A way for this kind to extend the conflict period is as little as not replying an apology text or message in a Facebook, or as big as yelling the person back to his guilt.

2) The kind that knows that extended conflict period can never do anyone any good. So, they handle the apology maturely by replying politely and forgive. And no, when I say forgiving, I do not equalize it with forgetting. You see, forgetting is tricky, and we should actually NOT forget, so the similar pattern of mistakes wouldn't happen again. But when they receive an invitation of truce in someway, they knew better than making a fuss out of it.

You see, the classifications are not exactly black and white, of course there are other ways people manifest their forgiving and apologizing behaviors, and they are ways for people to have a mixture of those classifications too. But let me tell you one thing, whatever their reaction is, do know that you have done your part in apologizing and expect nothing more from the person. If you become resentful of his or her reaction towards your apology, you'd just do nothing but make it worse. Sometimes the first kind of people are just to confused of what's the forgiveness is really for, so you just pray that the person would find out soon.

As usual, I need to remind that to myself too...

"To forgive is to set a prisoner free, only to discover the prisoner is you..."


askar-mas said...

Waah...Sempat lagi post entry time2 exam. Hebat! Pretty good... Good luck for exam. Minta maaf kat lecturer2 dulu sblum jwb exam :) hehehe..

Unknown said...

ko pon sempat membebel kat aku ni ha...huhu

askar-mas said...

( _")// GOOD LUCK ! ~~~ > <('_')>

haisa_haisa said...

exam dah..gud luck (^__^)
entry yg mendalam jugak nak paham ni..ahah..

Unknown said...

'eid adha...maaf zahir batin...;)

Unknown said...

asia: mendalam ke? agaknyala kot...berfalsafah gak...huhuhu

cik tiny: selamat hari raya :) maaf zahir dan batin... :)