It may be a dream afraid of waking up, or it may be a dream coming to realization in the next morning.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Art of Accepting Your Friends

First of all, a disclaimer for all of you who read this entry. I will be using, as my lecturer used to describe, "bombastic" words because right now I am learning the words that are common in Graduate Record Examination (GRE). I believe remembering them by using them in contexts and sentences are more effective than blind memorizing. And I'm sorry if some of these words are not used correctly. I highlight these words in case you are also interested to know what those words are.

So, this week I would like to expatiate on the issue of friendship, again. I was pondering on the question: How do you unexceptionably accept your friends? We are humans and humans err. We are all conceded with the fact that each one of us is fraught with weaknesses. Not one weakness, but sundry weaknesses. Each one of us has a way of galling others, be it talking too much, being egoic, being indifferent to birthdays, grudging, and so on. I, for one, has been very sentient of my own and my friends' foibles and faulty nature. The thing is, I have been noticing something pronounced about myself, that is I am vigilant and very sensitive to the faults of others. I know it's not good.

So, I was thinking, if they could annoy me in a way, I must have my own way nettling them. Therefore, if they could assent to the way I am, why can't I do the same to them? It is the art of accepting your friends as the way they are. The trick is, how do you modulate your emotions from getting waxed from the annoying behavior that they do, if they do it? Especially when you are close to someone, noticing an irritating behavior can be inevitable. To be honest, I don't have the answer. You can find a lot of tips, exhortation, opinions and so on, but at the end of the day, what you have to do is to really make it as a facile practice and stop flouting every one friendship that you have in your life. I am still a fledgling friend, I am still learning the art.

This entry is just purely to remind me myself and everyone out there on one of the ways to find joy in your friendships with others. I hope it's useful to you to a certain magnitude.

Meaning of the words:

Ponder - think
Unexceptionably - generally acceptable
Err - to make mistake
Conceded - to be given with something (usually unpleasant)
Fraught - filled with
Sundry - several, many
Galling - annoying
Egoic - self-centered,
Grudging - stingy
Sentient - sensitive
Foibles - weaknesses
Pronounced - very noticeable
Nettling - annoying
Assent - accept
Modulate - regulate
Waxed - increased
Exhortation - advices
Facile - accomplished
Flouting - rejecting
Fledgling - unexperienced and still learning
Magnitude - extent


askar-mas said...

What are lovely words! Hope new more words get b transmitted...hehe

Guga said...

Interesting topic my friend.. as for me, i try to keep it simple. no one is perfect and i learn to accept the good with the bad. everyone has some good qualities and one or two qualities which we might not be comfortable with. guess we have to be conscious when we accept anyone as a friend.. :) What do u think?

Unknown said...

aslam: thank aslam. I'm lucky to have you as my best friend.

Guga: wisdom again from you. You just ooze wisdom. Of course you're right Guga, but still to do it is harder than we thought. Choosing a person to be our friend and to maintain being close to the person, is difficult. It requires work. Until now, I don't know how.

Arpit Tambi said...

Taufik, found your blog while searching for friendship is earned.

My idea is that "relationships" is not a lot of work. Just that we must keep on trying to remove barriers to the perfection. Like Fear, Anger etc.

The concept of Friendship you wrote about DEPENDS a lot on communication and speech. That's what makes it a lot of work.

An ideal Friendship should survive with or without communication. I experienced this when I observed Silence for a few days and it was an eye opening experience.

Most relationships will fade away for the simple reason that they depend a lot on external factors which are beyond human control.

Have a great day :)

Unknown said...

Thank you Arpit. Now it makes us wonder if the friendship that could fade away for the simplest of reason is actually strong in the first place.

BTW, what a great insight!