It may be a dream afraid of waking up, or it may be a dream coming to realization in the next morning.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Year of Marriage

2012 - It's the year where almost 70% of people I know closely in my life got married/are getting married/are getting engaged/got engaged. It's also the year in my life where the matter of marriage seems to be heavily featured. Almost 80% of the conversations I had with them involved something about getting married. If my life were a TV show, this season would be themed on marriage.

Any one of my friends who read this might have known already that my heart is set not to get married. Aslam, my best friend (who is also getting married in December), told me that he had always wondered why he had such friends who seemed to be married with their career, and it included me. Career has always been an important aspect of my life, perhaps because it's the one thing that I'm sure I can own and hold on to very tightly in my life. If I am careful and strong in my grip, I'd just have career as the one thing that I am fully satisfied.

Then, another one of my friends, after I poured my heart out about all of the people I know are now married,  asked me a rhetorical question, "So, isn't it now the time for you to settle down and find a wife of your own?" He has a point, but he doesn't know the whole story. I am not trying to makes excuses, but when it comes to finding a life partner, things are more complicated than usual - and I would like to admit that it might be more complicated than an average person's mission in finding a life partner.

What I need to do is figure things out as I venture through life. I just hope when I finally have everything figured out, it's not all too late.


Unknown said...

I'm confident that your time will come SOON! And whoever that girl will be, I hope she realizes how lucky she is! ;) Have faith, bro!

Unknown said...

Awwwwww... Ko sgt optimistic...