It may be a dream afraid of waking up, or it may be a dream coming to realization in the next morning.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Everybody Is a Genius

Albert Einstein used to say, "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid..."

This is a very wholesome quote by Albert, implying that sometimes we make our quick conclusions based on our superficial analysis of an individual. Some parents are worried that their children can't solve simple mathematical equation, or that it's very hard for them to understand simple grammatical rule in an English sentence; but get this, not everybody can be exceptional in Mathematics or language. Different individual has different set of skills that unfortunately need to be searched beforehand.

But I don't condone the fact that if your child doesn't seem to be good in something, so just let her or him be bad in that. But I advocate the idea that try to be more flexible in your own idea of success; meaning to say, try to be proactive in helping your children find out what they are good at. But still, if he or she is not good in something, there is always the role of education, because "being smart" is not full-out genetic, it is also a product of good learning skill, attitude, and socialization. Plus, you can't afford just focusing on what you're good at because Malaysian education system wouldn't allow you to choose your subjects if you want to finish get your qualifications.

If you have a hard time finding your interest and what you like, you can go to a career counselor and take a career test which can suggest you a direction. Talking to a career counselor can also lead you to get some insight about career personality.

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