It may be a dream afraid of waking up, or it may be a dream coming to realization in the next morning.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Places Where Hungry Hearts Have Nothing to Eat (A.K.A. Chasers of Beauty)

They say that the food of mind is knowledge, and the food of heart is love. I don't know if I am actually well-phrased to talk about it but you see, beautiful people, men or women, they have an endless queue in front of them who is more than eager to have a connection with them. Before, when I was quite naive, I always thought it was a very superficial nature of humans, longing for the things that look good in the eyes. But, no, though we're always taught with the value of what's inside is more important than what's outside, we still feel that it's more enjoyable to be in a company of beautiful people. Why?

This is a list of answer of such question. It kind of gives a shed of light of why beautiful people always seem to have chasers of friends or lovers. Some answers are worth mentioned.

1) post #3 - the poster says that when you hang around beautiful people, it makes you feel beautiful too. It makes you happy. But what about the case of post #2 where the poster says that hanging around beautiful people shakes his self-confidence. Being around ugly people makes the person looks good.

2) post #4 speculates that hanging around beautiful people gives you a share of what is given to your beautiful company. If they're getting attention, you'll too. Is it true? Don't you even feel more lonely hanging around them?

3) post #6 says that pretty people have an awesome personality. Is it a case of "what's beautiful is good" myth? And it's countered by post #7 who claims that ugly people have nicer personality. Well, then, isn't this a case of "what's beautiful isn't good" myth?

4) Post #9, 10, and 14 make a direct statement by saying that ugly people are ugly. Well, there's no more further comment of these ones, isn't there?

Among all these, and the more sensible answer is given by,

5) post #1, 5, and the best answer chosen by the asker that we have been engineered in our genes to chase after people of beauty. They symbolize health, give refreshments to the eyes, and possess symmetry in their physiques. They chase beautiful people because well then, they want to have some "love" from them, which eventually satisfies their social life, which philosophically we can say, their hearts have been fed.

Beautiful people possess some evolutionary "mysteries" that maybe psychologists can attempt to understand, but in a meanwhile, us non-psychologists, please don't ever repeat what posters #9, 10, and 14 said, average Joes, me especially don't feel good when you say that. So, even if you hate us so much, keep it inside, answering in a public platform like Yahoo! Answers is very hurtful.


askar-mas said...

Entry br ko quite attentive.Besala...

Suma org kat dunia ni pasti nak pilih 'yg cantik'. Tp kecantikan tu subjektif kan. Sebab tu byk trend mcm 'beauty and the beast' a.k.a 'shrek& princess'. Tp mereka percaya pasangannya paling cantik atas penilaian mrk.WOW.

Mgkin kecantikan ssorang tu jg bleh menenang emosi dlm psahabatan. So, siapa yg paling cantik & handsome di kalangan kawan ko? Me?:P

Unknown said...

memg, kdg2 sesetgh persahabtan tu berdasarkan apa yg di luaran. kdg2 sedih ngan this fact, tp this is a fact.

sapa yg paling beautiful dikalangan kwn aku? kos erious percaya itu ko? hahahaha, kidding...sumer kwn aku cantik2 dan hensem2 belaka...